Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)
Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI)
Network Spinal Analysis
“Network Care has a direct effect on client self-reported wellness which is twice that expected from healthy lifestyle practices (exercise, risk avoidance, optimal food choices). Network also has a major indirect effect on wellness by promoting healthy life-style choices.”
— Robert H. Blanks, Ph.D., Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, UC Irvine
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a very gentle and profound form of Chiropractic. It places emphasis on the connection between the spine, nervous system, and overall health. In contrast to traditional Chiropractic, there is no “cracking”, “popping” or sudden twisting to the spine. Rather, this approach focuses on gentle and precise touches along the spine, which encourages the body to release physical and emotional patterns of stress and tension. NSA aims to enhance the body's innate ability to self-regulate and adapt to stressors.
“Network Spinal Analysis inspires us to trust the healing power within.”
— Deepak Chopra
NSA has been the subject of academic study, research and publication for its unprecedented effect in wellness and quality of life, adaptability to stress, enhanced life enjoyment and facilitation of constructive lifestyle changes. For more information about this form of healing, please visit Epienergetics.
Research, in conjunction with noted neurobiologists, at the Medical College at the University of California, Irvine studied almost 3,000 people receiving Network care across the USA, Australia, Canada and Puerto Rico. The study found that Network Care is associated with statistically significant improvement in people's Health Related Quality of Life. People report sweeping, across the board positive outcomes relative to their:
Physical Well-Being, Stress Levels, Emotional and Psychological Well-Being, Life Enjoyment, Lifestyle Changes and Overall Quality of Life. Notable self-reported life improvements from individuals who participated in this monumental research study.
Increase in exercise and motivation to exercise; reduction of pain; more flexibility in spine; fewer colds and flu; more energy, less fatigue; fewer headaches; decrease in prescription medicine usage.
More life enjoyment; increase in positive feelings about self; less depression, moodiness, angry outbursts. More confidence in dealing with adversity; feeling open when relating with others. More experience of relaxation and well-being.
Fewer concerns about small things; greater mental clarity & ability to stay on-task; ability to get more done; greater ability to adapt to change. Less stress relative to: emotional well-being, health, work, family, coping with daily challenges.
More openness to inner guidance; more positive feelings about self; more compassion for self and others; increase in meditation & prayer.
Upcoming NSA Events & Talks
There are currently no NSA events or talks scheduled at this time. Please check back at a later date or you may subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on all events.
Somato Respiratory Integration
"Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration, Donny Epstein’s revolutionary methodologies, are amongst the most powerful sources of personal transformation I have ever experienced or seen. They produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness. I am stronger, more inspired, creative and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others."
— Tony Robbins, Peak Performance Coach
Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) is a way of connecting to natural rhythms within the body through breath, touch, movement and awareness. Together with Network Spinal Analysis clients report major improvements in physical and emotional wellbeing, quality of life and lifestyle, better adaptability to stress, and overall increase in life enjoyment.
Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) exercises, based on Donald Epstein’s book "The 12 Stages of Healing," are designed to help the brain to reconnect with the body and its experience. The goal of SRI is to help an individual develop lifetime skills, safety, strength, wisdom and love in relationship to the experience of his/her body, its vibration, structure and energy.
Upcoming SRI Workshops
Learn about and experience the 12 Stages of Healing first hand. SRI workshops explore in depth each of the12 stages and are taught periodically by Dr. Bell at CenterPeace. There are currently no scheduled events at this time. Please check back at a later date or you may subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on all events.
Meditation (generally speaking) is the act or practice of sitting still while observing one’s state of being. In self-observation, one may discover certain sensations, thoughts, emotions, breathing patterns, tensions, openings or other phenomena that were previously unknown or hidden. Over time and with practice, these discoveries continue to unfold, creating a shift in one’s overall awareness. This shift may come with an increase in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Through meditation, one is able to discover and clear deep seated patterns or distractions “running the show” while tapping into a well of energy or inspiration that can transform our lives and awaken us to the essence of who we truly are.
Upcoming Meditation Events
Dr. Bell currently offers meditation class through Zoom. This 1-hour class is a blend of focused awareness exercises, guided visualizations and breathwork. One may experience powerful openings in the body, increased awareness, emotional releases, clarity of mind, vitality, and a fullness of heart and being.
Not sure if this is for you? First class is complimentary! Ongoing classes are $20. Please contact us for more info, to register and to receive information for getting on the call.
Up for some international sun and fun? Dr. Bell is part of a team of holistic practitioners offering an array of healing modalities which often include: NSA, Yoga, Massage, Breath work, Meditation, awesome food, day trips to beaches & waterfalls and much more! These trips are organized through Soul Alive Retreats and combine adventure, nature, and a one of a kind healing program.
Upcoming Retreats
Costa Rica — December 2025